If you happen to find yourself running a Laravel app on shared hosting, you may need to run the app on a different version of PHP than the account default. This is not best practice, and you should probably upgrade whatever it is that prohibits you from setting the default PHP version to the latest […]
I recently got my hands on a Logitech MX Keys keyboard, and found that connecting via Bluetooth didn’t let me change my modifier keys as I usually do with my Apple Wireless keyboard. Or any other, non-bluetooth keyboard really. I don’t know if this is on Apples part or Logitech’s, but connecting via Bluetooth the […]
WordPress is awesome. The possibilities are endless. It can be the foundation for anything from a blog to a webshop, a backend for an app or a JS app using the frontend framework of the day. I’ve worked with WordPress for seven years. I started out with WordPress because if felt like a great way […]
Add Telldus repository so that we can install Tellstick-core via Aptitude. Run the following command to download the public key needed to verify the packages: wget http://download.telldus.se/debian/telldus-public.key Install the key with the following command: sudo apt-key add telldus-public.key Edit the sources file, adding the Telldus server where the packages can be downloaded: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list […]
Including related fields in CakePHP 3.0
Being a CakePHP newbie I found it hard to find any information on this topic, and the answer is in fact really really simple. The answer $project = $this->Projects->get($id, [ ‘contain’ => [ ‘Customers’, ‘Estimates’ => [ ‘Types’, ‘Projects’ ], ‘Logs’ => [ ‘Types’, ‘Projects’ ], ‘Statuses’ ] ]); The question I have a couple […]
Raspberry Pi and Homebridge
1. Getting Linux installed on your Raspberry Pi Download Raspbian: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ Write image to SD card (instructions: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md) Put the SD card in the Raspberry Pi and let it boot up Figure out what IP adress the Raspberry Pi has been assigned, either through your router or by running arp -a to show all devices on your […]