Home Automation Telldus

Installing Tellstick on Raspbian

Add Telldus repository so that we can install Tellstick-core via Aptitude. Run the following command to download the public key needed to verify the packages:


Install the key with the following command:

sudo apt-key add telldus-public.key

Edit the sources file, adding the Telldus server where the packages can be downloaded:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Paste this line at the end of the file:

deb stable main

Then update the sources list with this command:

sudo aptitude update

Install the Telldus packages:

sudo aptitude install telldus-core libtelldus-core-dev

That’s it, we now have Telldus tools installed! You should now be able to add devices to /etc/tellstick.conf and control them with tdtool -n, tdtool -f or tdtool -learn.

To install the node-telldus package, run these commands:

sudo npm install node-gyp
mkdir node-telldus
cd node-telldus
sudo npm install node-telldus

You may have to change the user and group in /etc/tellstick.conf to root to get Tellstick data into your Node application.